Joellen Killion
Senior Advisor, Learning Forward

Joellen Killion serves as senior advisor to Learning Forward, after serving as the association’s deputy executive director for many years. She is leading several foundation-funded initiatives including Transforming Professional Learning to Prepare College- and Career-Ready Students and implementation of Standards for Professional Learning. She is a frequent contributor to Learning Forward’s publications. Her books include What Works in the Middle, What Works in the Elementary Grades, and What Works in the High School, Teachers Who Learn Kids Who Achieve: A Look at Model Professional Development; Assessing Impact: Evaluating Staff Development, 2nd edition; Collaborative Professional Learning Teams in School and Beyond: A Tool Kit for New Jersey Educators; Taking the Lead: New Roles for Teacher and School-based Coaches; The Learning Educator: A New Era in Professional Learning; Becoming a Learning School; Coaching Matters: and Learning-Focused Feedback: Transforming Feedback for Professional Learning. She authored and co-authored numerous papers, reports and workbooks such as PDK’s EDge, The Changing Face of Professional Development and resources associated with the TPL initiative.
The creed Joellen lives by is: Excellence can be achieved if you...Care more than others think is wise...Risk more than others think is safe...Dream more than others think is practical...Expect more than others think is possible.
Change = Learning
Change of any size requires learning. Yet, not all learning produces the change desired. In this keynote you'll learn about what deep learning, the kind that changes behavior and thinking looks like and what it takes to design it, support it, and sustain it.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

2:00 PM
*Times displayed in your local time zone.