The K12 Global Implementation Virtual Summit brings together the global education community to share and discuss the who, why, where, when, and how of strategic implementation and its direct application toward obtaining the results promised by evidence-based practices. Together we are better and can end the implementation gap and 'add on' culture common in modern educational institutions.

World-renowned featured speakers

Expert sessions on effective implementation

Districtwide scaling models

International Implementers Panel with Q&A
Leading change in implementation

Dr. Douglas Fisher
Professor, San Diego State University
One of America’s brightest minds in improving literacy, visible learning, and school leadership. Author of Distance Learning Playbook and much more. Partner in Fisher & Frey serving to make an impact in everything they do.
Dr. Stefani Hite
Educator, Author, International School Leader
Tigris Solutions
An experienced professional learning designer, Stef specializes in supporting organizations around systemic change initiatives with a focus on creating cultures of collective efficacy and participatory leadership

Implementing systemic changes
Jonathon Sharples
Professional Research Fellow
Education Endowment Foundation
Jonathan works with schools and policymakers across the sector to promote evidence-informed practice, and spread knowledge of ‘what works’ in teaching and learning.
Implementing evidence-based practices
Implementing policy and legislation

Dr. Melissa Van Dyke
President, Global Implementation Society
International Expert, Advisor Centre of Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection (CELCIS)
Melissa is an international expert advisor on implementation and supports various Scottish Government efforts to transfer policy and legislation into real practice change across Scotland.
Putting Evidence to Work – A School’s Guide to Implementation
In 2018, the UK’s Education Endowment Foundation published "Putting Evidence to Work – A School’s Guide to Implementation" as a guide to help schools implement evidence-based approaches in line with their vision for school improvement. This seminar provides an opportunity to hear from the lead author of the report, Professor Jonathan Sharples, and learn how to translate strong ideas into powerful practices.
Professorial Research Fellow, Education Endowment Foundation

Putting Evidence to Work: Reflections On a Three Year Implementation Process
Leading evidence-informed change in school is challenging, but using the Education Endowment Foundation's implementation model can be very powerful. This session will offer insights into a three year, multi-phase project to embed a form of retrieval practice across a small group of schools.
Director of Research and Development at The Academy at Shotton Hall

International Panel: Building Implementation Literacy
This plenary panel will discuss strategies for building implementation literacy and building an implementation culture to promote effective implementation of evidence-based practices. The panel will highlight examples from the The Oldham Research School, UK, Shotton Hall Research School, Dinuba Unified School District, USA, and Salem-Kaiser School District, USA, and other schools in the Education Endowment Foundation Research School Network.
Professorial Research Fellow, Education Endowment Foundation
Chief Academic Officer, Dinuba Unified School District
Director of Research and Development at The Academy at Shotton Hall

Director, Salem-Keizer Public Schools
Implementation Teams: Don't Start Change without One!
Implementation teams are individuals who help your district or school establish a supportive environment and facilitate the implementation of evidence-informed programs, practices and effective innovations. In this presentation we will explore key attributes of an implementation team and learn ways they can effectively support the implementation, spread, and scale of evidence-informed initiatives.
Co-Founder and Co-Director, IMPACT Learning and Leading Group
Co-Founder and Co-Director, IMPACT Learning and Leading Group

The Connection Between Teacher Credibility and Collective Efficacy
Teacher credibility, being credible in the eyes of students, has a strong influence on students' learning with an effect size of 1.09. When students see their teachers as trustworthy, competent, and dynamic, learning accelerates. Each of these areas are malleable and are always at play in the classroom. Teachers with low credibility are not likely to impact the learning of their students and are not likely to be valued members of their teams. Teams want members who are credible with their students so that they can learn from one another. In this session, we explore the components of teacher credibility and identify specific actions that can be taken to increase credibility. In addition, we focus on the skills that credible teachers need to work collaboratively with their peers. These communication and interpersonal skills can facilitate teamwork and foster collective efficacy, or block it. When teams have the necessary skills, and they engage in a collective efficacy cycle, mastery experiences are created such that the team’s efficacy is reinforced. As part of this cycle, teams use evidence of impact to extend their collective efficacy.
Professor, San Diego State University
Award-winning Author

How to A.C.E. School Improvement: Action, Commitment, Equitable Ownership
School improvement requires a collective commitment on an individual level from all roles in the building. Country Meadows shares their story of collaboratively designing and implementing an action-oriented school improvement plan owned, in part, by each staff member. Through an ongoing commitment creation, feedback, and refinement cycle, individuals support the collective progress toward the goal of improved student growth.
Principal, Kildeer Countryside School District 96
Vice Principal, Kildeer Countryside School District 96
Language Development Coach, Kildeer Countryside School District 96