4:00 PM
Day 1 Opening Session: Preparing for IMPACT
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
4:45 PM
Don’t Try Implementing Without a Team!
Implementation teams are different from other types of teams: they are responsible for the change — and therefore the impact — you wish to make. Implementation teams must be skilled in design and management. Most important, the team needs to have built collective efficacy … the knowledge that — together — they can overcome challenges and lead change efforts that have positive impact.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
6:00 PM
Embodying Equity When Implementing TK-12 Change Initiatives
This interactive session will walk participants through equity considerations across implementation pathways. We will provide practical guidance on how to effectively incorporate equity theories, models, and frameworks while you are implementing. Our goal is for participants to leave with important considerations to help you develop a deeper understanding of how to embed equity in your implementation work without treating it as an add-on.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
7:15 PM
People, People, People...Are the Key to Effective Implementation
Implementation = Change. Change involves the people in the organization.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
9:00 PM
Implementation Readiness in School Settings: A Toolkit
Change is hard. Stakeholders on many levels and in many roles require the motivation and capacities to enact and sustain a change. This presentation will overview the RMC2 readiness model and share multiple methods (both quantitative and qualitative) of assessing readiness.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
10:15 PM
Cart Before the Horse? Comprehensive Professional Learning Plan or Implementation Plan – What Comes First?
Do your experiences, context or research knowledge lead you to plan for professional learning or implementation first? How does implementation thinking support professional learning (PL) design and practice? Why is context so important in connecting the dots between both PL and Implementation? Come share and learn how supports for professional practice were designed with an implementation lens and delivered through a comprehensive professional learning plan and measured to ensure our efforts resulted in impact.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
4:00 PM
Day 2 Opening Session
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
4:45 PM
Putting Evidence to Work
This interactive session, led by Prof. Jonathan Sharples, will help schools implement evidence-informed approaches in line with their vision for school improvement. Delegates will learn how to use evidence to identify improvement priorities and select new approaches. We will consider how to implement programmes and practices through careful planning and preparation, so they have the best chance of success. Come ready to learn, engage and be challenged!
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
6:00 PM
International Panel
This plenary panel will discuss strategies for building implementation literacy and building an implementation culture to promote effective implementation of evidence-based practices. Specific topics include Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
7:15 PM
Developing the Right Recipe for Implementation Success
Active and effective implementation requires a set of 'active ingredients' combined with thoughtful planning and preparing.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
9:00 PM
Walking into the Headwind
What do good education systems look like in the midst of a global pandemic, and how do you maintain forward implementation despite numerous challenges and seemingly endless changes? We will share how one Oregon school district has tackled these questions.
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools
10:15 PM
Closing: Moving from Knowing to Doing
Director of Kindergarten through Grade 8
Klamath Falls City Schools